I recently saw a trailer for this movie based on the Scot Pilgrim comics...
It looks like your typical Nerd dude loves hot chick, movie and I am so sick of those movies!
Oh look at me I'm social loser and can never get any action because I am so socially awkward, because I spend to much time playing D'N'D in my parents basement leveling up my elf paladin to know anything about women,
And because I'm so awkward I get a hot chick who thinks I'm cute, and rather than have her be attracted to me I have to go through a bunch un funny situations to win her heart.
Add to that every time I see that actor I want to kick him in the face (I'd kick 'im in the balls but I know he doesn't have any BWA HA HA HAAAAAA)...
Now I've never read the comic before is it really the same wannabe nerd romance as the movie?
If so I think I'll skip out on reading them!
I will say the game looks cool though!
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I found the comics pretty entertaining, had me reading them for hours at the library..