Yes Ive had this account for a while years ago while I was experimenting with Flash, but try as I might I sucked and my version was a trial so I had no choice but to give up! Then I saw an art community I figgered I may as well give it another try!

Age 45, Male

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Albany Oregon

Joined on 6/30/05

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Skateboards CAN BE art!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - January 31st, 2012

Dear Princess Celestia

Today I learned something very strange that for some reason in an entire two fandom where they make art out of ANYTHING for some reason skateboards are ONLY considered skateboards and nothing more.

It makes NO SENSE to me no matter how hard I think about it, how a home made plushy is generally sold for THREE HUNDRED dollars bought BY A MAN but you put out a skateboard and the result is always

"But I don't skate"

At first I just wrote it off as maybe one person here and there just didn't get the artistic side of the skateboarding industry, I mean it's not that rare of a concept.

I knew a guy once who had Skateboards along his wall that had his favorite bands on them (My favorite was one that had The Misfits Fiend skull on it) and when you see pics of kids rooms that are trying to be cool you always see skateboards on the wall.

BUT for some reason in the Furry and MLP fandom all any one sees is a skateboard AND THAT'S IT!

Dose this mean that if some one has a commemorative plate they feel this uncontrollable urge to EAT ON IT?

Do they look at a muscle car and go "Yah it looks cool but I'd have no use for it because I don't DRAG RACE."?

I have been busting my ass trying to promote my latest Skate board and can you guess what the MOST common response is?

"But I can't skate"
"But I don't skate any more"
"I don't...

Well you get the idea it's SO COMMON I just want punch 'em in the face and start lecturing them on art and skateboards.

It is like the BIGGEST thing affecting the sale of my skateboards and it's really starting to piss me off. I have seen people paint truck tailgates before and you don't hear people going "Damn I don't own a truck OH WELL"

I've seen people sell Hoods of NASCAR cars signed by the drivers I don't see people going "that's cool and all but I don't own NASCAR race car"!

WHY is it that Skateboards are THE ONE THING that only have one use in the world, especially when they are such awesome pieces of art?

Sorry for the rant your majesty!
Your Faithful student:
The Burning Donut

Skateboards CAN BE art!


wow that is probably the most stupid thing ive ever heard. I mean who the hell collects random expensive stuff like a costom skateboard and just hangs it up on thare damn wall. oh and i love your "eat sleep PRESTIGE" sticker XD.

hey dude do you do snowboards?

Actually, I just now had a thought:


I mean, yeah, it doesn't *quite* account for skateboards not being seen as art (although I'm not sure that's always the case), but it might explain the mentality. When you think "skateboards," you think "skateboarding," right? Which in turn makes you think of "skating tricks," and what is a major part or skateboard tricks? Grinding.

Right. Along. The bottom. Of the board.

Think about one of your boards doing that, for a moment, because maybe that's what they're doing too. Just for a moment, even though you know you wouldn't do that, the investment value seems to go down.

When a non-art-object is made into art, it's usually either disabled in some way or made specifically to endure usage, but that's a little difficult in this case, isn't it? I mean, yeah, you'd have to be either an idiot or really mean-spirited to intentionally stick wheels on one of these and find an unpainted chunk of metal to scrape it on, but there's not a lot stopping them from doing just that.

Anyway, my point is, I, you, and they know that wouldn't be the reality, but maybe it's the thought that counts, so to speak.

Additionally, and this might actually be a better explanation (which I thought of typing the one above - funny how that works), you need to remember that the "I don't skate" explanation DOES have some validity to it. When you draw on a specific material or object, you don't just display the image - you *can't.* No matter how hard you try, the object used transfers some of its meaning to the image. If something is drawn on a skateboard, the work as a whole will have a degree of "skate-ness," and if the person in question isn't fond of skating, that's going to be a factor in whether or not they want it. That is, it's not that they think skateboards AREN'T art, it's just that they just don't WANT *skateboard* art. Maybe most MLP fans aren't into skating. It's possible. I might suggest that, instead of trying to find bronies/furries who are skateboarders, try finding skateboarders who are bronies/furries. I'd also suggest taking commissions. People love feeling like they had a hand in something's creation.

No condescension intended or anything, especially if I've said anything you've already thought of, and sorry if this isn't an issue anymore (or happy, if it worked out well). Just pitching in my two cents.

Kill yourself.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would barely grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo. Not too many people find basically awesomeness in skateboards. If you don't like skateboards, your pretty much no kind of skater. Now, some people would just hang it on their wall, never to use it. And anyone, if they are selling a custom board, you would make copies. You can have it sent to a professional to copy the board, or you can make other copies.

This board is a work of art. But, you said the "sales" of the skateboards, do you mean your selling it? Because I would buy it. It's a awesome board, meant for art, right? I would use it as nature intended... as something I would grind on, a board of art... truly, you have quite some talent. Bravo. Not too many people find basically awesomeness in skateboards. If you don't like skateboards, your pretty much no kind of skater. Now, some people would just hang it on their wall, never to use it. And anyone, if they are selling a custom board, you would make copies. You can have it sent to a professional to copy the board, or you can make other copies.

Oh, shit. Umm... you can delete the other ones, besides the one below this one. I over clicked "Submit" too many times. Uhh... sorry. Whoops.