Yes Ive had this account for a while years ago while I was experimenting with Flash, but try as I might I sucked and my version was a trial so I had no choice but to give up! Then I saw an art community I figgered I may as well give it another try!

Age 45, Male

Don't ask

Don't ask

Albany Oregon

Joined on 6/30/05

Exp Points:
862 / 900
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Global Rank:
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TheBurningDonut's News

Posted by TheBurningDonut - January 1st, 2011

Man I hope that Rabbit comes in and kicks the SHIT outta that damn tiger that's mistreated me for a whole year!

*Insert Street Fighter Music*

Happy year of the BUNNY!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - December 23rd, 2010

So last night I was on Youtube, and I was randomly sent to this movie,

It was called "The Cunning Little Vixen".

It was an English adaption of an opera set to animation and it wasn't TO bad while they were singing ALL the time it was mildly entertaining (And any time you listen to music outside the language it was intended to be it almost always sounds like crap in this case the Italian was translated to English)

Sure enough by the end of the movie the Girl fox was Killed

In the related links there were two other movies, that had adorable renditions of foxes, one was called "Fox of Chironuppu" and the other was in Japanese so I couldn't tell what it was called.

I watched three parts of one, and I'll tell yah IT WAS ADORABLE!!!!!!

I mean I have seen allot of cute rendition of foxes before but DAMN this one made me want to hug and cuddle the main character (Throw I there cute Japanese voices) and I don't care you could have Brock Lesner wanting to hug and cuddle them!

BUT I remembered the last one I watched and skipped to the last part...

Sure enough there's Mamma fox and Baby fox crying and cuddling as they both freeze to death!

I checked the other one (The one with the Japanese name) and SURE ENOUGH the last video the adorable little fox is laying dying a slow and sad death...

This is not a one time thing, there are TONS of movies from other countries where the animals die, look at Watership down, and Plague Dogs.

On a side note I had a girl sobbing once just explaining the PLOT of Plague dogs!

I get the idea that sometimes death is actually a part of the story, and some times death will bring something better in other peoples life, BUT COME ON!!!!

I remember watching the Disney release of Jungle Emperor Leo, and I was actually getting pissed off' it was all This character dies that character dies, I mean literally by the end of the movie HALF the cast was dead! Add the fact that the English version was voiced by the current 4-Kids crew it was kinda cool because I thought Dan Green did a cool job and all but still,

HALF THE CAST? COME ON it was like they took Osamu Tezukas story and flipped off the audience the whole time!

Basically if you find some cute beautifully animated movie made in another country about some hopelessly adorable animals (ESPECIALLY FOXES) 90% of the time they will die a sad sad hopelessly horrendous death by the end of the movie.

What is it with writers that we just love seeing things we fall in love with die?

There are acceptations with cartoons like Arashi No Yoru" (One Stormy Night in English) and those Hugo movies and such.

But geez yo!

The cute little fox dies at the end!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - December 20th, 2010

Allright it's almost 4 in the morning, I can't sleep, and am pondering on if it's worth going to Labor ready to try and find work for the day, I also had this huge long journal all typed up about how I'm all pissed off about not finding a job and bla bla blaaaaaa..........

What I want for Christmas:

1: A job,

Now yah it would be awesome to get a job that implies working with my art, but for the sake of being realistic, as long as It's not a Mill or something else that you work for 16 hours a day as hard and fast as you can, I'll be happy.

Companies I would LOVE to work for (Some reason many web sites say blogging about these will improve your chances of working for them)


My Art is easily applicable to many of there cartoony games such Megaman (Or Rockman, I know I know) Okami-Den (Yah cartoony WOLVES yah like THAT'S a stretch for me) and with so much art on web sited and art books instruction booklets and such, even just working on the crews that put them together would be awesome for me yo!


Making designs or what ever digital editing of designs to go onto the headphones would be SO AWESOME!

Basically anything that involves visual editing is fun for me, I saw this company in the mall called "Lids" and it's basically this little group that makes designs for hats and they usually have a computer running that's making the hats...

And I love to sit and watch the people work with it, I'm sure they've probably thought I was some kind of weirdo more than once.

2: A car

Yah I know I don't expect ANYONE to run out and buy me a car that would be stupid this is a wish list nothing more!
What I WANT not what I want people to BUY me!

Cars I would LIKE to be able to get

A Chevy Conversion/ or camping van:

Yes I like Vans I know it's stupid, but I would just LOVE a big ol' van! It doesn't HAVE to be a camper or conversion van, just as long as it dosen't have a whole ton of windows and I can throw a makeshift bed in the back it would make be so happy, so honestly even an old cargo van would be awesome.

And yah it COULD be a Ford or a Dodge I'm just a Chevy guy is all.

Chevy Caprice:

Yah my first car was a 1979 caprice and yah sure it was ugly and had no interior, but I loved it. So I mean anything from a 1975 boat (my Explorer really didn't get that good of gas mileage anyway) to a 1991 wagon, to an old Police Car and I'd be happy!

A Chevy Astro:

Yah just a smaller van, but better Gas mileage, and easier to park (LOL) it's generally easier to find, and generally a little more reliably than an old 70's van as well but generally the same rules apply to Vans as Astros! And yah it's still be baddass to throw a bed in the back and be all "Oh yah you know it's awesome!"

Anything I can Rat Rod:

Anything Pre 1980's works in this category, anything from a little Chevy luv to a late 70's Caddy, to an old beater truck (Preferably a short bed) literally anything that would good slightly lowered and painted black fits here!

I know it sounds like I'm asking for something, but it just seemed better to do this than rant and rave.

Christmas Wish list (Sortuh)

Posted by TheBurningDonut - December 13th, 2010

Well I have a question... about writing comics!

What are good ways to write female characters?

What are ways to keep female characters from seeming like they are TRYING to be sex objects?

And what kind of general advice do Women have that they hate seeing men do when they write female characters?

A good example of writing For Female characters IN MY MIND is the Kill Bill movies The Bride is portrayed with a strong personality, and doesn't always run around in designer clothes with her boobs hanging out.

Not only that but there are many times Uma Thurman looks down right filthy in the movie, making it seem she's a real character rather that a doll the writers dressed up to look good in the movies.

Part of the reason I ask such thing is that I ask is that there has been a lot off discussion of getting more women into video games, and one way this was discussed was redesigning Lara Croft, but what doesn't makes sense to me is that she still looks like the same character (Big juggs and all) just portrayed and rendered a little more realistically.

SO we get the idea that female characters are supposed to be more realistic and have less sexuality, but remember I am writing ACTION, and I would have no interest in an action movie with a heavier less buff male lead so why must we assume that's what women want?

And yes sexuality dose come into play, remember would you want to portray a sexy character that was a prude? Or would writing the fact they sleep with more that certain amount of guys make them seem like your writing a "whore"

Keep in mind that in my comics if characters are incompatible species (For instance dog and a Rabbit anthro) they can't make babies, AND if you think about it a "regeneration spell" would make for awesome birth control, and yes there are many spells designed to keep characters "virgins" and prevent unwanted births and stuff

Also clothes, clothes are a representation of the person who's wearing them's personality so one would THINK that a woman with a sexy personality would naturally ware sexy clothes, Now obviously you wouldn't want your female lead walking around half naked all the time, but I'm also talking about thing like stalkings boots, skirts dresses, and what ever,

Or perhaps you have suggestions of strong females would ware.

One thing to keep in mind is that as a man I am always getting contradicting information, when it comes to the female psyche.

As men we are told that women want more realistic measurements, bigger less flattering clothes, les sexuality, smaller boos, but then we see the games/ movies that have the highest female interest and we seen cartoons, doll lines, and anime made specially FOR women, and get total contradictions.

Look at Sailor Moon, or any female Oriented anime, there are often tons of short skirts, large breasts, and TONS of fashion references!

Like I said, total contradictions.

If this whole journal makes no sense at all... that only makes my point stronger.

(HELP) Writing for females, and comics!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - November 10th, 2010

Well the Scot Pilgrim movie is out in DVD (Or Blu ray for those of you fancy ass rich foke ... or people who own a PS3) and it's funny a lot of people are shocked it didn't do that well...

This is MY opinion...

I HATE Michel Cera......

I have not liked (Border line HATED) ANY of his movies (That I've seen and the ones I haven't look even worse!) and I don't care what you do him or what movie they have him in I will always HATE LOUTHE AND DISPISE everything he represents.

The sad thing is I have really gotten in to the Scot Pilgrim comics, and a lover of old school games and comics and one of the first images I ever found relating to the comics was a splash page made to look like the Double Dragon game cover, and while I am not a big fan of anything involving romance the concept of the whole 7 ex boyfriends being homage to the old videogames having seven bosses was pretty baddassed!

See growing up as an anime/comic/videogame fan I have been made fun of.....

a lot.......


I mean hell I was in Labor Ready watching some Kamen Rider with a random anime fan/watcher I'd meat there and you would hear "Oh look that guys watching POWER RANGERS!" "I wish I could watch me some POWER RANGERS and maybe even some POKEMONZ AS WELL!"

It's always funny the people watching it with me (After I have to explain the history of Tokusatsu and what role it plays in the Japanese culture) always find those comments just as stupid as me.

Add to that I was home schooled I have been fighting the stereotype of being a nerd/loser/DandD player my entire life) comments that range from

"You know girls don't REALLY look like that right?"

"I guess he didn't get the job because he didn't make his SAVING THROW!!!"

"Man being a nerd I bet you've never had to worry about having a girl friend huh?"

And it's always ironic that I can get more women flirting with me, get laid, and I have actually made out with two girls at the same time lets see many other "Non nerd" types say that!

So when I started reading About the whole Scot Pilgrim comic it looked so awesome to see a character that basically is a guy who most people think is a nerd but doesn't give a crap...

Then I go back to looking at the movie...and what do I see?

Michael Ceras girly assed face basically ANNOUNCING to the world...

Look at me I'm a sad week powerless pathetic looser who was born with a vagina, or at least my balls haven't dropped yet who is just a step above Justin Bieber in the macho scale, and here I am in a movie that's says see this is what all gamer/ anime fans/comic book fans are ALL like

So I'll read the comics play the game (they REALLY should have made a version for PSP) buy (Comic related) T-Shirts and action figures, but ANYTHING related to the movie....

Forget it!

I'll pay a buck to rent it from Redbox that's IT!

See I don't care if Michel Cera dose the best acting of his career in that movie, it's STILL Michel Cara with that little whiny no testosterone voice of his, and remember he makes enough money that if he's paid a million dollars to act he'd BETTER do a good job in it!

I've thought long and hard to think about who would have made a better Scot Pilgrim, sadly my knowledge of young actors is rather limited, but I think even Shyla Boof (How ever you spell that douches name I dunno) would have done a better job

Personally my vote would have been for Seth Green, not the BEST choice I know be ANYONE would have been better that pussy/emowannabe dude!

To counteract all this Anti male, nerd crap I have a story cooking in the back my head called "How to be a Baddass"

But I'm not all that good at writing comedy, and struggling with weather it should be anthro story or not, but basically it's about a dude who doesn't hide from his geeky ness at all and also worships action heroes from the 80's like Chuck Norris and Dolf Laundrum....

But like I said I'm not very good at writing anything other than action, and should it be in web comic format or what.....

Any way

That's my rant and remember to every anime fan /Gamer out there who was born with a penis...

You ARE allowed to be a Baddass!
Donut out!

Scot Pilgrim VS Donut

Posted by TheBurningDonut - November 2nd, 2010

Well I guess it's time to update something since my big move.

All right after weeks of packing my stuff, helping my parents pack there stuff helping with Grandchildren (I guess it'd be my nephew) I have finally made it to Kennewick Washington.

Well my first impressions of the town (Mainly from Google Maps) were that it was going to be just like Albany but in Washington weren't't TOTALLY off.

My first couple of days here, seemed promising I got two days of work out of Labor ready (Not bad considering I had to wait 'till Wednesday to sign up), I already had apps in at Wal-Mart, Toys R us, and a couple of other little things off of Craigslist, so things SEEMED to be looking pretty good.

Labor Ready on Monday Morning was dead as the Albany branch, the GOOD thing is that most people say that was the FIRST TIME they've ever seen that happen, and as for the Job Market...

Well I keep getting mixed messages,

One person will say there's TONS of jobs

Another will say there TONS of jobs... if you want to work at a mill

And others still will say it's as dead as a doornail

And as always I keep hitting the same dead ends as not qualifying for most of the work on the work force web site, or most of the jobs on Craigslist, so even finding places to fill out apps is hard, I guess I need to start hitting the fast food joints again.

Wal Mart, and Toys "R" Us give me the same runaround as always "Oh the person who's in charge of that isn't in today but they SHOULD call you tomorrow" or "We'll probably call sometime next week

The Unique layout of the Tri-Cities area I have to say is interesting, it's like you are cut off from the rest of the world by over 200 miles, but it has so much INSIDE why would you WANT to go to that horrid OUTSIDE?

Socially I haven't had much of a chance to go past My Sisters's or Labor Ready's walls and I'll virtually guarantee there isn't any "Fur Groups" up here..

I mean it's only been a week ... or so

It was funny when my sister 7 year old daughter asked me on like the third day "Do you have a girlfriend yet" and I was all "oh come on it's only been three days!" and heard her Dad yell "Geez dude stop dragging your feet!"


One weird thing is that for the longest time I've been wanting a Van so that in the event I need to get out of one friends house I can have a nice comfortable little setup in the van and just sit in peoples driveways rather than make people have to make room for me.

And As I was at Labor Ready there was a dude with a NICE 1983 Chevy Van trynna sell the thing for 500 bucks, and he was saying he might even take 400 for it.

It was a nice old van too it was owned first by and old dude who only drove it to random camping trips, and the current owner only used it as a way to not have to drive home when he was working on the orchids for harvest season, the only thing it didn't have was the back seats but I would want to put a bed back there any way, and had let rust than my Explorer.

It's always when I have no money these people appear you know... but oh well.

I need to assimilate a "Plan B" in case my fears happen to be true, but it's REALLY hard when you know no one, and have no money, and bla blah.

As for art I need to have a way to set up my old computer because my Laptop runs Windows 7, and my scanner is SOOOOO old that it only works with my old computer with runs XP.

I use an old Scanjet 3300c witch is so old it Literally came with software that made it compatible with windows 95!

They discover Electricity and then made this scanner. Don't get me wrong it's an awesome scanner, it just only works with older computers!

Also I hate to say it but I bought that "Invisimals" game, and I have been playing that WAY to much, I got an awesome deal though it sold for like 40 bucks, BUT the dude scanned my Driver license so I didn't have to pay taxes, scanned HIS game stop card so I got an employees discount AND I had trade ins so I only paid like 15 bucks for it, and honestly the only reason I wanted it was because it came with the PSP Camera something I've been wanting for like 3 years!

And I mean seriously where can you find a half descent digital Camera for less than that?

So who knows I might start making videos again or something, now that I can film for more that 3 minuets at a time and in WIIIIIIIIIIIIDESCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAA NNNNNNNNNNN!

Start doing inking videos as well, now that I can actually film traditional media now.


I guess I'd better be Moseying along before this Journal gets too long...

One more thing though... THANK GOD I HAVE A GPS!!!!

My first Journal from Washington

Posted by TheBurningDonut - October 7th, 2010


I have been BUSY!

I have been working....

NO I don't have a Job, but I've been getting a lot of Flagging work through Labor Ready, and most of the time it's a lot of hour like 8 to 12 hours some times,

The sad thing is that just pays all my bills and gets a little extra to do things like get a Haircut (I don't mean a fancy styling job I mean a simple haircut to make me look less like a freak), Oil change, New sparkplugs, and a little food here and there (Mainly for lunch) it barley puts me ahead of the game.

It is cool as these are all things I've needed/ or just wanted to do for quite a while, and now my Explorer runs really smooth again.

BUT with a big move coming up it really doesn't help a whole lot.

And working almost Full time makes taking Commissions virtually impossible, and it's also really annoying because it' like work only starts when I have plans, I guarantee that if I were to open Commissions again I'd get work tomorrow....

Witch would only prove my point because they said they didn't need me tomorrow!

No one has tried to buy my PSP, witch I can either take as a blessing because I love my PSP, (After all the work started sowing up as soon as I posted it almost.) or as a pain in the ass because I COULD use the money.

Art is on hold until things slow down or simply become easier to get a handle of...


Or something like that...


Here's hopin' for good news tomorrow!

Quick Update

Posted by TheBurningDonut - September 25th, 2010

So I'm sure most people who actually appreciate good animation have been hearing about this crazy looking show called Sym Bionic Titan.

I was first interested when I heard it was created by Genndy Tartakovsky the guy behind Samurai Jack and the Star Wars cartoon before it became CGI, it made me way curios when I saw the teaser Trailer.

So After watching the last episode I figgered I'd give My opinion on the show.

Well the first thing is I have to say the backgrounds of the show look awesome, I mean Genndy's style is usually what they call a "less detail more style" type of artwork but you can tell the painters took a lot of extra effort to have the feel of his art with lots of detail, making for some really impressive background effects, with is only emphasized in the fact it's a "Giant Robot" type story with many panned out scenery and many camera pans taken right out of an old school Tokusatsu show making backgrounds and landscapes mandatory!

The next thing you notice is the TOP NOTCH voice cast!

The Main characters are a Dude named Lance voiced by some guy names Kevin Thomas (nothing to special but at least he sounds pretty baddassed!) the lead girl a princess named Lanna (not a very creative name but I'll let that slide) is voiced by Tara Strong who is like one of the most famous voice actors in animation and for good reason! (I actually always mistake her for doing the voice of Princess Sally from Sonic the hedgehog) but still is pretty awesome but the kicker is the voice of Newton a Robot the main characters team up with is voiced by BRIAN POSEHN!

Yah comedian and musician (and avid heavy metal fan) Brian Posehn is doing a voice in the show and doing a really good job as well!

Now the plot is... well ...

Sadly Pretty basic, Princess is sent to another planet with a warrior to protect her and another guy for comic relief, because her planet is at war.

It's kinda generic but comes off quite good in the fact that the main characters are TRYING to fit into real life (mainly because they want to hide) and also they do a good job of preventing things from becoming another "Super Hero at High school" type story.

The Art style and animation are borderline awesome the monsters are amazingly well draw an designed, the characters are really cool looking and while the art is VERY stylized the flows really well and isn't over done, but fits really well with the Background the style is like a homage to old Hanna Barbara Cartoons, a little anime and Tokusatsu.

The fights are also a cool part of the show! You can tell the directors must have been big Godzilla and Ultraman fans.

The one thing I could complain about is...


The Robots/Armors are REALLY well designed and look REALLY cool but every time they use the armors they use CGI! Yah and it really dosen't flow very well with the painted backgrounds and traditionally animated characters!

They will even go as far as to traditionally animate the Giant Monsters and still use CGI to Animate Titan making for animation that just dosen't look like they go together!

It's like the BIGGEST problem with the show, and it's a problem that plagues American cartoons, it's like if it's not a flesh and blood character (Vehicles/ weapons/robots/ bells (See Bambi 2)) it HAS to be CGI-ed and it always looks out of place!

I mean if they would find a way to CGI the backgrounds AND the monster or traditionally animate the main robots it would just look so much better

More lack of creativity is the relationship between the main girl, and the main male, it's the typical "he hates the spoiled princess (But we all know he really cares for her) and she hates him for being such a hard-nosed soldier (But we all know she really likes him) bleeeeeagh what ever...

I do find if funny how they are pushing the whole brother/sister thing because they have the same last name and every time they are "in disguise" they are referred to as brother and sister but there seems to more to that than the writers have shown at the moment.

I like the fact they leave a lot in question and don't revile everything in one episode like Generator Rex and makes you feel like you are actually learning with the characters and experiencing the world as they learn about it rather than have the whole thing plopped in your lap like an old Hanna Barbara Superhero Cartoon or something.

In short while it has is imperfections, it's got lots of style and high quality animation plus it's the first American Cartoon I've seen in a long time and have thought "Wow this is awesome!" and is a definite step in what I feel is the direction more cartoons need to go in!

Sym-Bionic Titan First Impressions review

Posted by TheBurningDonut - September 21st, 2010

A person who's gallery's nothing but horrid MS Paint reditions of Obama dressed as a nazi calling ME gay!

That's priceless!

Trolls can be funny some times!

you know what's funny?

Posted by TheBurningDonut - September 13th, 2010

Well I've heard that the New Disturbed album is holding the number one slot and many music charts!

I remember the first time I heard Disturbed It was the song "Get down with the Sickness", and when you heard that EPIC intro and those famous words ...

"Can you feel that?"
"Oooooooh shit!"

It was HARD not to just have an eargasm!

The albums after that were kinda OK they weren't BAD but they definitely lacked the "use my music as a weapon" feel the first album did.

The newest album Asylum has been causing a lot of talk so I figgered I'd check it out and see what's up.

I'll get the bad out of the way first:

Disturbed seems to have a "Formula" for making a song and it just seems most of the songs on this album fallow this formula.

The formula is Take a one word title throw in some violent lyrics and the one word title be the final part of the chorus.

And most of the songs are one word titles

"The Infection"

All but "Another way to Die, and the cover of "Living after Midnight" have no more than two words in the title.

And when you listen to the lyrics they ALL seem to fallow the formula as well some random being angry and then BAM the title of the song!

Now this is only a problem of you are like me and look at things in an over picky manner and really start over examining things, but to me it seems to show a lack of creativity!

The Good:

The Affore mentioned problem really only hurts the album if you aren't a fan of Disturbed, if you have heard every song they've ever made AND LIKE THEM then you will love this album.

The other thing is if you listen to it on little speakers, you will be missing half the album, I first listened to it on the little speakers on my laptop and wasn't really impressed, but I burnt the CD and put it in my car and CRANKED IT UP and it was AWSOME!

It was like listening to a completely different album!

All those trademark sounds are there everything that made you love "The Sickness" in the sound of Asylum!

One thing I didn't really like about there last albums is they really had a "Preachy" feel to them and if Asylum is a preachy album (I've heard "Another way to die" is about global warming) they do a good job of hiding it

All and all while it seems to show a lack of creativity, Asylum is a big step closer to Disturbed roots than any of there last albums!

It's also nice seeing metal hold a spot on Mainstream charts sometimes kicking Lady Gaga and Eminem out of there spots for a while!

P.S If you get the album...PLAY IT LOUD!

Disturbed Aslyum: A Review