Yes Ive had this account for a while years ago while I was experimenting with Flash, but try as I might I sucked and my version was a trial so I had no choice but to give up! Then I saw an art community I figgered I may as well give it another try!

Age 45, Male

Don't ask

Don't ask

Albany Oregon

Joined on 6/30/05

Exp Points:
862 / 900
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.15 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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TheBurningDonut's News

Posted by TheBurningDonut - September 10th, 2010

Man it's always funny when "real people" act like internet trolls!

For most who live around Oregon they know of this little radio show called "the Donkey Show", some people like it some people don't.

I am one who loves it I have been listening for years. And I've always heard about this "video chat room" they have, Years ago I spent a little time on this thing do to my cheap assed web cam and my sloooooow assed computer, BUT I have a faster Computer now and a couple of months ago I figgered I'd try it again.

It's in this really sad site Called Stickcam, that is something like a MySpace with Web cams, and you can post shows and stuff that makes you feel popular (It's mostly populated with big boobed 13 year old girls, who think they're getting watchers by being talented when all any one who watches them is doing is waiting for a boob to pop out!

ANYWAY I started Logging on when the show was on thinking maybe I could show off some art or something, and I accidentally had my cam showing my screen (I was working on a commission at the time It WAS non pornographic as well!) and when I minimized the window all I saw was ONE GUY going

"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"
"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"
"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"
"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"
"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"
"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"
"Hey Fag stop posting anime porn!"

Well the desktop I had at the time didn't help either

Well I switched back to showing my web cam (I use many cam and I don't know why but literally every time I start it it's showing my screen) and I wasn't really used to fiddling with the settings yet.

All I know about the guy is his user name is Beav917 or some random group of numbers like that, but DAMN he hates me and he's convinced every one on the board hates me!

The worst thing about it is that for quite a while EVERY COMMENT I'D MAKE would be fallowed with

"Shut the fuck up FAG!"

Radio show host: "So did anyone see Avatar this weekend?"
Me: "Nah and besides it's just Fern Gully in Space"
Him:"Shut up fag"

Me: "I was just saying it doesn't seem very good to me"
Him: "Go masturbate to anime porn Fag!"

Me: "Ok so what did I do might I ask"
Him: "be a fag you fucking fag!

Well I gave up talking to him once that would start and some times he'd just start picking on some one else.

Well I started streaming anime in my cam stop just to piss 'im off I would make the smaller screen show Omyou Taisenki, or Digimon or something (Once I even streamed the whole Bagi movie) the only thing that would make that REALLY funny was many people would start talking to me about the anime that I'd be showing (one person was even able to name the season I was playing even name the characters and everything it was scary) and the fact that many people loved it just pissed this dude off SO MUCH you could see him FREAKING OUT on his cam spot.

I don't do the whole streaming anime thing unless he's REALLY pissing me off, but he hasen't done that to much because there's an "Ignore" option on the site and I guess he just doesn't find bugging me as fun when I can't see it.

The thing that's even WORSE about this guy is he used to be a Marine and he dose the worst thing I have EVER seen a former serviceman do, he uses it as an excuse for his behavior.

It's like he uses the "marine state of mind" as an excuse to be an asshole.

There has been a time or two he's tried to get other people to get mad at me, and some will because this dudes like has OCD about Logging on and listening to the show as soon as it starts, every day for like three years, and a lot of people who are on the show claim to know him a little (I've actually received many apologies on the board for his behavior) and they'll start to get mad at me but I won't react or anything to it and they all get bored really fast.

I get along with most people on the board but there are times that I have an "un popular view" like once the subject of The Insane Clown Posse came up and they were dogging on them for almost an hour, and I mentioned I liked them and the one song they would sample on the show was some brand new crap, now I was able to bight my tongue, but after that they started going on and on about how AWSOME Eminem was, and I made a comment that any one who hated the ICP and loved Eminem was fallowing the trends rather than developing there own musical taste...

And every one thought I was going on and on about how awesome the ICP was saying I must be a Juggalo and wear Clown Make up and kick old ladies and stuff, and with this beav dude fallowing everything I said with "See I told you he was a fag!" it was almost impossible to get what I was trying to say out!

I was not saying the ICP were awesome I was trying to say that Eminem is not!

And yes the fact I partake in the Furry Fandom has come up from other people trying to do me a favor and show off my art to others, and yes a few people tried to make a big deal about it... and they all piled on me for a little but since I didn't go crazy with it and stuff they all calmed down...

Accept for this beave dude...

But that ignore button is awesome, I hate ignoring people though and just because he doesn't like me doesn't mean he's wrong ALL THE TIME and he dose at times actually have a good point of view, and there are times we ALLMOST get along in the room.

It doesn't bother me much anymore, and I usually write it off as "That's just the internet that makes him be that way" but one time I just logged out and left the window open and I saw people were defending me after I left he was ranting and raving about me and his exact words were...

"If I ever met that fattass in real like I'd flat out tell him to FUCK OFF!"


The only thing that sucks is every time I try and be a fan of the show and hang out with other people it's like this one guy wants to make me not allowed to like a publicly broadcasted radio show.

The FUNNIEST comment about him I ever saw was

Him: "Man if I was still a Mod I'd kick him off and it would be awesome!"
Another dude: "No it wouldn't you'd kick every one off and get in arguments with your self!"

Aw sigh Real people acting like internet Trolls makes me chuckle.

The Donkey Show and the internet

Posted by TheBurningDonut - September 1st, 2010

Commissions are open.....

Well I know it's a pretty cheap way to get attention but things are getting pretty hairy

I need to buy Gas, I need to prepare to move to Washington, I need to pay my Car insurance, I need to pay my phone bill I need to ...




Right now everything I have been doing Hasen't worked for crap flee markets Jobs NOTHING!

Well I need money and I need to pretty fast!

Commissions are open for the time being, I am offering the regular pin up commissions for the usual 30 bucks, but I also offering "Bust" (Basically a pic of you character from about the belly up) commissions for 10 bucks

I mean I am ready to take what ever you want just tell me what you need art wise I am like uber desperate yo!

Also if you know anyone who's a fan of Sailor Moon I have the first season (Original Japanese version with English subtitles) for sale on E-Bay!

http://cgi.ebay.com/Sailor-Moon-season -1-uncut-ADV-films-addition_W0QQitemZ2 20662905642QQihZ012QQcategoryZ11119QQs sPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Yah I'm not a big fan myself I just saw the thing for sale at a local second hand store and figgered I could get a buck or two out of it, and I can't it would still be relatively entertaining to watch.

I looked it up online and the CHEAPEST version I could fine was like 100 bucks, it's not the newest or prettiest you can get but I need to try something!

I bought a skateboard for a couple of bucks with the idea of painting over it and trying to see if I could sell it....

But right now I can't even afford paint!

As far as what has been happening with jobs right now any advertised job is almost useless to respond to because they are getting an UNGODLY amount of responses, and every time I respond to "Insider Information" I am told

"Show up at this place at this time and we'll get you hired!"

And so far EVERY TIME I show up they've already got someone else in the position I was trying to get, also if ANYONE had a lead for a job and a place to stay I am willing to move anywhere to get a job...

I know it's a stupid thing to ask but I gotta try!

Tentacle porn and huge breasts (Commissions open)

Posted by TheBurningDonut - August 29th, 2010

One time I wrote a journal saying simply "Rap is gay"

And while 90% percent of the comments agreed with me I have thought about it and it seems rude to leave the subject un touched.

When white men say they hate rap music it often written of as a form of either a devil worshiping monster who only wants to listen to death metal, of he's a racist KKK member and listens only to country.

Now there are many reasons I dislike MOST rap music,

The first being my first experience with people who listen to rap music.

I went to Job corps around the time Rap was really becoming mainstream, and every one was bumping Dr Dre and Eminem and thinking it was the coolest shit in the universe!

Now at the time I listened to Country (Yah I know I don'y listen to it much any more) and I was a weird kid at the time, I listened to Country, I played Pokemon, and I was HUGE anime fan.

Well let's just say I was like a screaming target for people to make fun of, and what would happen A LOT I'd be drawing in a nice quiet spot listening to some Alan Jackson and some one would plop down there boom box and start blaring the same Eminem album, and they'd would ALL start imitating humping saying

"Yaaahhhoooo Imma go rape me some cows!"

It was funny almost everyone who thought it was fun to make fun of me we're also the biggest fans of rap music.

In other words most of my first memories of rap music are like among the worst memories I have!

The second reason I dislike Rap is

It's so completely mainstream it's just not funny any more, I mean almost every one I've ever met who claims to a fan of rap have no real taste in music.

If you ask them who there favorite artist is what do you get?

"Oh yah I love Eminem and 50-cent"

This is NOT an isolated incident either I said 90% percent that might actually be a low estimate, but almost every time if you ask a "rap fan" who there favorite artist it's either Eminem and 50-Cent, or what ever the current big famous artist is.

Another reason is

The Content

If you start pointing out how rap music glamorizes the Gang mentality and miss treatment of women, you are labeled a racist , saying the only reason the music is so violent is because the artists have had a hard life, then

You will have the fact that most school shooters listen to metal and then you will get all kinds of "No black man ever shot up a school" crap and then pointed out that most school shooter are white video game player who listen to death metal.

The next is simply put:

Rap music is the first style of music that it was "cool" to be a sellout, it was the first style of music that said I get paid to write this, or and don't forget to wear Puma!

Part of the reasons SUV's became so popular was because the Auto industries started paying rap artists to use them in there videos.

Also wasn't rap a style that was supposed to be "Hardcore" and "Underground"? There should have been a clue as to what was going on when people started making commercials about "Rapping Grannies", and it's only made even worse with the rappers themselves!

I mean the first time I ever heard Enimems "I am what ever you say I am" song it was a pretty blatant explanation as to what rap music was going to become,

I can't even begin to tell you hoe stupid it is to have a song about being so hardcore to can't be played on the radio make the Top 10 list on M-TV every single day!

The Final reason is most of the music preaches the "You look this way or your not cool" it teaches prejudice in such an extreme fashion it's down right scary, and many times because of that high school football player mentality it teaches (tons of your only cool if you wear these clothes, come from this place and listen to this music) I have often been on the receiving end of this prejudice and it's always annoying when it happens.

In closing I do realize that these views are really only relating to the most mainstream of Rap and it's not rap "As a style" a hate it's what most people thing of as rap music I hate.

I do happen to really like The Kotton Mouth Kings, The Holly wood Undead, and other groups that while are rap aren't what is widely considered rap.

Also I recently did some searching and some of the older stuff is actually pretty good, there was also a time when rap and punk we trying to become one style witch would have been awesome!

Well that's all I gotsta say about that!
Donut out!

Rap Music and my views

Posted by TheBurningDonut - August 27th, 2010

Man this has been a crappy week!

It all started this Sunday when I went to the Flea market last weekend and the put me in LITERALLY the WORST spot possible! I didn't even make Space Rent.

Then to make things even better T-Mobile sent me a Text Message saying I approved a payment LITERALLY DOUBLE the normal payment.

There is more to this story I tried to buy a USB modem through T-Mobile months ago that I was told that if I returned it within 20 days I wouldn't be charged for it...

Well they've TRIED to charge me for it like three times and I've been able to stop them every time so far, BUT this time they didn't send a bill or anything so I didn't get the notice and they just charged me.

And since I was prepared for the regular phone bill the sudden charge sent me into overdraft...witch of course is awesome!

SO here I am an the worst spot TRYING to make SOME income, and now I have to take care of this problem, and I called them and they said they'l take care of it... I mean not only re-imberse me for the money I wasn't supposed to be charged for but ALSO they'd also cover the overdraft charges...

And here it almost a week and nothing has happened, I keep calling them but all they do is get pissed off and hang up on me claiming there's no way to contact the financial department, it's like they are some kind of governmental think tank that's like in the Arctic or something, or some group meeting of Super villains or something that completely have to separate themselves from society to do there job and there is just no way to find out what's going on.

Well Alls I can do is wait for something to happen.

Now My parents are talking a lot about moving recently there's this awesome RV park/ retirement home (For my Mom to actually WANT to go to something with the words "Retirement home" in it, it MUST be awesome!)

That means I'm going to have to be moving soon as well, it may be like October or something there's talks about me moving in with my sister's family or who knows! The Advantage of that is she works at Wal-Mart and I can have an "In" to get one of there "Holiday jobs" which would be awesome beyond belief!

This means that some how I need an influx of income with no ability to have any commitment...

Witch leaves....





Well anyway I have two commissions left I need to finish but I tellzyah the one two punch of depression and uncertainty make for really hard art blocks to beet.

As for the Rain Furrest... I would need an influx of commissions the likes of witch you have NEVER seen before to even DREAM of going.....

That's my life,
Problems: Many

Solutions: Few!

Life and current Situation

Posted by TheBurningDonut - August 14th, 2010

"It looks just like Power rangers!"

As an anime fan how many times have you heard that?

Now I know I'm not a huge fan of the whole Giant Robot style of anime but there are a lot of them, it's like Super Hero cartoons in America.

It's literally a part of the Japanese culture, and how about Tokusatsu shows?

Now here's the problem how many times have you shown or referenced a random anime clip, or had a pic as a desktop and some jack ass blurts out...

"That anime is just a rip-off of Power Rangers!"

It literally dose not matter the show if there's a giant robot, or people in slightly cybernetic costumes, the response is almost always exactly the same...

"It looks JUST LIKE Power Rangers! Nyuk nyuk!!!!"

Now if this happened once or twice I really wouldn't mind, but it happens ALL THE TIME!

Now SOMETIMES there is some one who will point out (Because they are so smart) that Power Rangers is just a Rip-off of Voltron!

The thing that is so annoying to me is it doesn't matter if it's a 40 year old episode of Mazinger Z, or a brand new episode of Kamen Rider:W!

I mean seriously look up almost any anime with a robot theme and look it up on Youtube there will be at least ONE comment "It's just like Power Rangers!"

The other thing that's so annoying about this is that people are saying this because they think it makes them look SMART!

There have been MANY animes with Giant Robot themes to name a few Mazinger:Z, Dancouger, Ghetta Robo, Gigantor (Tetsujin 28-go in Japan) Giant Robo, DanGuard, Zoids, and a few Tokusatsu are Ultraman, the Super Sentai series (Sence 1994 it's known in America as Power Rangers), the Kamen Rider series, Kekaider, B-fighter (Shortly Translated to The Big Bad Beatle Borgs) and the thing about even all these is, these shows have existed for almost 50 years!

That's 50 F---KING YEARS of tradition, storytelling, and animations you are choosing to cheapen simply because you want to "feel smart" but all you do is prove how ignorant you are by comparing it to a BAD re telling of ONE SEASON of a show that was on years ago, if you took ANY TIME you would actually find that Power Rangers is just a SMALL representation of what even the American show was like!

Then there are people who will actually go as far as to say they liked Power Ranger until they stopped trying to link the stories together and lost the original cast...

In other words they liked the show until the dumbassed American writers started trying to make The American version a BETTER representation of it's Japanese counter part!

So next time you hear someone say "It looks just like Power Rangers!" Punch them in the face for me!

Rant over, I gotta say that phrase is one of my per peeves!

It looks just like Power Rangers!!!!!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - August 5th, 2010


Sounds pretty cool huh? Well I needed a new journal and figgered I could either rant about how much my life sucks, or about how much the government is being stupid but that would be depressing

So I figgered I's write about something I actually care about and that won't send every one who reads it into a fit of depression....


Now as many people know 4-Kids entertainment cartoon block, that is aired in the C-W network is going to changed to something called Toonzai!

This (According to the company release any way) going to bring the 4-kids block "Back to it's roots" and focus more on edgier anime, and most of you probrobly already know that DragonBallZ Kai is coming to the block as well.

This means a new lineup of new animes to be seen on Saturday mornings right?

It's also funny to read other peoples ideas as to what they will bring over is you see all kinds of 13 year old anime fans going

"I bet they're bringing Soul eater over!"

"Maybe they'll bring Gurren Lann"

"Oh it would be awesome if they bring ---fill in the blank with popular anime title witch would be impossible because most current animes are to adult for 4-Kids-----!"

My prediction is THIS

As most people know they're keeping Sonic X ,and what ever YuGioh franchise they want to run, also remember they are focusing on anime!

And as far as NEW anime the only rumor is this show called Tai-Chi Chasers... and I have looked up this show un Youtube and well...

It's REALLY crappy looking, it's just another card based anime for kids to sell toys, and JUST TO MAKE SURE there's NOTHING cool about it, it's got a look like ever other car based anime only no "Card fights" (like YuGioh) and no cool looking animals or creatures (Like Digimon) it looks like a fighting based anime that has card based power ups...

Basically the Current Kamen rider series with out cool costumes or weapons, so in other words it looks like ALL OTHER ANIMES OUT THERE just NOTHING to make it look cool!

Now I bet for the most part the schedule will remain unchanged!

AT like 7 they'll still show Magical Do ray mi (BARF) for an hour
They'll most likely still show an hour of Sonic X (As always)
They'll definitely show an hour of dragon Ball Z:Kai
Another Hour of either YuGioh 5 D's or reruns under the guise of being the "Greatest Battles" or something.
They'll come up with some random anime they showed to fill an hour or so probroblly like Cubix, or something and I can't see them getting Rid of Dinosaur King, but THE BEST I can see coming out of all this is getting to see that worst redub of all time with reruns of Onepeice!

And then there's Tai-Chi Chaser so that's the whole block, I know it sounds super cool to hear "new Saturday Morning Animes" all I can say is this!

"Remember this is 4-Kids we're talking about, when was the last time they made a good decision?"

That's My Opinion
Donut out!


Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 25th, 2010

I recently saw a trailer for this movie based on the Scot Pilgrim comics...

It looks like your typical Nerd dude loves hot chick, movie and I am so sick of those movies!

Oh look at me I'm social loser and can never get any action because I am so socially awkward, because I spend to much time playing D'N'D in my parents basement leveling up my elf paladin to know anything about women,

And because I'm so awkward I get a hot chick who thinks I'm cute, and rather than have her be attracted to me I have to go through a bunch un funny situations to win her heart.

Add to that every time I see that actor I want to kick him in the face (I'd kick 'im in the balls but I know he doesn't have any BWA HA HA HAAAAAA)...

Now I've never read the comic before is it really the same wannabe nerd romance as the movie?

If so I think I'll skip out on reading them!

I will say the game looks cool though!

/* */

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 24th, 2010

Oh f---k me!

You know I have tried MONTHS to not blame God for what's going wrong with my life, and I have tried and tried to not get mad or upset...

But there comes a time after so much has fucked up you have to look around and ask...


I have seen artists with no skill start making a living selling there art, I have seen people with NO SKILL get jobs I have tried to get, I have worked my ass off to prove that I want to work just to get fired, I have seen people at labor Ready get work for no reason, I have had companies SAY I'm employed by them and never get a call, and now to top it all off,

I get the first chance to make some money in months I get a chance to go to a Flee Market in Portland and guess what happens...

Don't worry I'll wait...

Give up?

The fuel pump in my Explorer goes out!

(This part of for car people)
I turn the key, the starter cranks with no problem, it just doesn't FIRE! A friend of my parents came over and checked the fuel pump relays and they are working it's just the pump doesn't start up!

Now the fuel pump isn't TO HARD to replace but it dose involve dumping out the gas I just paid for buying a new pump REMOVING the gas tank, spending another 50 bucks I don't have and SUPPOSING that's the problem it might work.

So once again I get a chance to make money and "fate" kicks me in the fucking balls, and it's NOT JUST the flee market I had an appointment to donate Plasma in Eugene that was supposed to get me some money that way but OH WELL I GUESS!

I don't know what's going on with my life but it's really getting to the point it's REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!

I mean seriously what could cause THAT MUCH to go wrong ALL THE TIME?

What have I done that makes me so much worse that the rest of society? I was raised a Christian so I'm not allowed to believe God hates me but there are times you have to look around and it just makes me go "Allright what the fuck God?"

See I have asked God several times "What path do you want me to walk?" and most of the reason I've given up is I have yet to get a single answer....

That's part of the reason I hate going to church so much, is because it's full of people god has shown there path too, I genially get PISSED OFF every time I go to church wondering what is it about me that ALL THESE people have some kind of path God wants them to walk, but here I am going "I'll do what ever you want just give me a direction!" lookin' like a dumbass with no direction to go.

They say in Christianity that for every door God closes, he open another, and I'm just sitting here in an entire hallway of closed doors scratching my head with a big "WTF" on my face.

I am angry, I am pissed and I want SO BAD to go berserk and hurt people, but I know that'd be the stupidest course of action possible so I bite my tongue and continue on.

I just want ONE THING to go right and I don't understand why that's such a hard thing to ask for.

Do not read if you aren't pissed at life!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 23rd, 2010


Lets see where to start,

Yah I have yet to receive a SINGLE CALL from Stops Inc, not a SINGLE CALL!

I have spent a lot of time at Labor Ready, and it's hard to get to mad at them because there's like no jobs right now, BUT

Yesterday, (Thursday) There was like 30 people waiting at Labor and then there was a BIG job and they sent out almost THE ENTIRE OFFICE...

Accept me and a few other people.

We were all there early and we all signed in and they are SUPPOSED to go off of the list, you know there supposed to go off of the list in order in other words if you shoe up at 5:50 in the morning and there are two people in front of you, you will be the third person to get a job.

Now there are exceptions like if a business wants a certain person working for them or if they have a job the REQUIRES experience of a certain certification of something.

BUT NO this was just a general clean up job so like 25 people got work but every one who was early was ignored!

The dude who was first it was obvious why HE wasn't sent, he was all LEANING on the counter and the ladies who work there HATE that!

But if was just Him and me that were ignored I could understand (Or at least write if off as life hating me or something) but there were like 5 other guys ignored in all this, one was even a dude they send out ALL THE TIME!

We actually had to calm this one dude down he was about to go postal, we got him to calm down, but I guess it didn't last to long because he left in a hurry, I asked if maybe he got a job, but I was told he couldn't take it and just left.

Well I have been trying to find creative ways to make money, and other than selling commissions it's really hard, I saw a story on the news about a dude who bought a Hotdog cart off of Craigslist and started selling that way, and it seemed like a genius idea.

Now yah there are problems with selling FOOD so I have spent along time and thought into it,

And my Mom suggests I get into Flee markets,

And it SEEMS like a good idea, I mean right now the best idea of how to make money is find something you can do and find a way to do it leaving out a Boss.

Now my Mom have been in Antique shows ever since before I was born, so it's not something I don't know how to do, the biggest problem I have had was that I have NO INVENTORY!

And most of the time the discussion would end there.

But my parents are starting to think about moving and have TONS of inventory that isn't really good enough of an ANTIQUE SHOW and they will never get a chance to sell it so they gave me a bunch of stuff that will hopefully sell!

So this Sunday I am going to be doing a Flee Market in Portland (Comment If you want directions) and we'll see how it works out!

And if ALL THAT doesn't work I have an appointment to donate plasma in Eugene!

That's my life so far,
Donut Out!

Life Update N' stuff

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 22nd, 2010

/* */
I know that the site was made soulie for commercial purposes but it's still fun to mess with.

Also as noted at the beginning ALL my designs were rejected, it's a shame they don't support the idea of promoting original art ....

Or maybe they don't like the idea of having a raccoon girl with huge jublies driving down the track at Nascar.

Vroom Vroom