Yes Ive had this account for a while years ago while I was experimenting with Flash, but try as I might I sucked and my version was a trial so I had no choice but to give up! Then I saw an art community I figgered I may as well give it another try!

Age 45, Male

Don't ask

Don't ask

Albany Oregon

Joined on 6/30/05

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TheBurningDonut's News

Posted by TheBurningDonut - February 6th, 2010

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Well Ive drawn Krystal a couple of times and Ive really never been to proud of how she looked when I drew her, so I was all "hey what the hell I'll draw her again and see how she'll look"

I actually LIKE how the pic turned out!

As for the second song was a random remake of "pants on the ground" I downloaded off of YouTube (They actually have a link to download the MP3) and I can't for the life of me remember who it was!

I'd like to know because it's my favorite version so far!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - January 25th, 2010

When I go to Youtube I'm allways stuck in the Japanese version...

Stuck in Japanese Youtube

Posted by TheBurningDonut - January 22nd, 2010

Well shoot...AGAIN!

Just as one stupid bit of drama ends at work ANOTHER one starts!

This time I MAY be without a job!

Well it seems that someone I work with decided to go nuts and try and turn me in for what ever she could make up.

In this line of work reporting anything that resembles abuse is encouraged so it's REALLY easy to get people in trouble for ANYTHING!

ANYWAY no this has nothing to do with the new boss that denied my vacation, it's another woman and I wont go into to much detail do to the fact there are alot of things that are supposed be confidential that have to do with the clients we take care of.

This is the first time I worked with this lady as less than a boss, and I only work TWO DAYS with her, but in those TWO days it seams that she must have thought I was one hell of an abuser because she made up ALOT of crap about me!

I mean a bunch of stupid little things that NEVER even happened, and things like her saying she didn't feel like doing anything and turning me in for REFUSING TO WORK, and saying she would handle showering clients while I handled meds and then turning me in for "refusing to give showers".

I one time said "In work it doesn't matter if you do a good job or not what's important is the managements PERCEPTION of you doing a good job"

In other words you can work your ass off and if your boss comes in while things are busy and things aren't clean in there eyes you just sit around all night doing nothing, my HOPE is that this company doesn't work that way.

I mean the person I spoke to today was really nice to me and she said the only reason she was going ahead with it was because she had to.

I am "under suspension pending an outcome to the investigation" so in other words I don't have a job RIGHT NOW and may get my job back IF they find the truth.

I just hope it's the TRUTH they're looking for!

I'm going to treat it as losing my job and start looking for new work and HOPEFULLY I can get unemployment this time.

I'm so tired of this allays happening to me!


Posted by TheBurningDonut - December 22nd, 2009

Well lets see here Christmas is on the way and man life is stressful as usual.

The most stressful thing is that My computer has been having problems, it seems that every time I was trying to empty mi inbox on Youtube the internet would freeze and not let me watch anymore videos.

At first I was all "What ever it's just some you tube Server problem!"


Then it kept up and it seemed to be a problem with firefox, no problem I'll just use I.E. to watch you tube and it'll be no big deal


Then it started freezing on IE as well, OK it's a flash problem and will be fixed with the next update.

Then all things relating to videos on my computer would quit working so for three weeks I have been trying and trying to fix the problem with NO RESULTS AT ALL!

Plus the problem was just getting worse and worse.

So tins of phone calls to HP and google-ing and working on the problem and no solutions I found was so silly

It was Yahoo messenger, all I had to do was delete it and re upload it and BAM problem solved!

I was all ready to send my Laptop back to HP for two weeks to get a new Video card

It just seems so silly that something so simple can be such a MAJOR pain in the ass!

Well Some good news (Depending on how you look at it) I am pretty sure the 4 wheel drive in my Explorer works, see there was a "winter storm" with "freezing rain" and I was all disappointed that there was no snow, BUT it was really freaky.

It rained and literally covered the world with a layer of ice, it was pretty cool lookin' really but it was pretty scary to drive on even with 4 wheel drive.

I am actually starting drawing comics now I mean it's something I've wanted to do for quite a while I mean it's something I've been saying I've wanted to do for a while and I really have wanted to but have either lacked gumption or motivation or simply the time bit I've started.

It's taking a little longer to finish things with the holidays and all but I hope to be able to start posting the comics soon.

They are proving to be easier than I thought to pencil but inking them digitally is proving more time consuming than I thought and since I only have 8.5 x 11 paper so far it's a little hard to get a descent panel count but I figger I'll just treat the pages like there intended for a smaller size like typical manga or something, it may not be the best or even look all that good but it will help me get into the swing of drawing comics.

One of my new years resolutions is always to have a published comic by the end of the year but I've never actually drawn a full story in so long I figger it's high time I stopped being lazy and started as I need SOMEthing to show comic companies I CAN draw them.

Anyway the Holidays are ah comin'
So Merry Christmas ya'll!

Windows 7 falsely Accused and Merry Christmas!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - December 7th, 2009

Well things have been kinda stressful, but for silly reasons!

I have been pulling a lot of extra hours at work and have had a lot of classes and stuff there as well. See my CPR and my OIS training don't count for this company because they have to be received by IN HOUSE trainers and that means I have to do all this crap AGAIN!

Oh well

Also at home I have recently installed Windows 7 and I gotta say.... What a PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!

Well first the initial install took over 4 hours, and then I had to get to work,

Next day, I started trying to what programs did and didn't work and first there's an issue with my Super Nintendo emulator and how the control pad relates to it or something, other than that as far is installed programs go I have found few actual problems but you DO have to go through EVERY PROGRAM and test EVERYTHING I've encountered quite a few little glitches but often just restarting will fix everything in one shot.

The internet seems to have a few issues at lest when it comes to sites that run videos, often once you click on the third video the internet will freeze and it need a restart after that there will be no problem.

The worst and the most frustrating thing is windows 7 has NO WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER!

Now admittedly there's not A LOT of people that use WMM but you would THINK that as more and more amateur videos become more popular that Microsoft would try and prove they understand there customers and make a cooler movie maker, not take it away!

I read up on it and they SUPPOSEDLY did it to not have so many bulky programs taking as much space, but if you ask me I think they could do with a simpler layout for the WAY over flashy Windows Media Center and I mean seriously how many different way do you NEED to play music and movies especially DVD's?

Yah I did use Movie maker A LOT so it really bugged me not to have it I mean everything from Photoshopping videos to simple video journals GONE.

I went to the official windows download site and all they had was WMM 2.6 witch was made to work with XP so when it would try and work with 7 it would have all kinds of problems, also I tried and found some free editing programs and they all sucked or turned out to be free trials and you would never know until you downloaded it, and there's a movie maker that The main website said would work attached to the Windows Live software, witch sucked ever more!

I finally found a way to get the Vista movie maker but it was a PAIN IN THE ASS Microsoft should have some kind of option to get a regular working movie maker in Windows 7!

I have been fighting with Windows 7 for almost 4 days and still encounter problems but hopefully there'll be a Service pack or update that helps out soon.

Me VS Windows 7

Posted by TheBurningDonut - December 1st, 2009


I read The Watchmen last week, yah I wanted to read it before I saw the movie...

Also I have a problem of PAYING for comics I don't know if I like or not and so I never really wanted to pay 20 bucks for it....

ANY way I found it at the local library and decided to read it!

It was...



I mean it wasn't as good as people SAY it was, it seemed to me the first half of the book was old superheroes whining about everything from how they were treated by friends and how they were used to being popular. to the government mistreating them to how there kids would end up to ...


Also one thing that urks me when writers do is the whole "Look at how good of a writer I am I have more than one storyline and one set of characters!"

I mean I get it, don't get me wrong but this book had like ten storylines going on NOT including any of the main characters, even a fictional story that was running parallel to whole book!

Other things that bugged me was there was no sound effects either and it was made even MORE annoying because there was a few panels where the phone was ringing and rather than a simple *ring ring*
It all

"yah I've been fallowing the superheroes pretty clo... oh hey the phone's ringing!"

And if someone was sick rather than

"Man I don't feel so good"


It would be all

"oh man I don't feel so good EEEEEEEEEUUUGH KAAAGH KAGH!!!!!!"

It just constantly seemed to interrupt the flow of dialog an made the book almost annoying to read!

By the time the story actually started and they stopped with all the extra "Look at how good of a writer I am" crap I was really finding hard to care about the story, witch was...



OH YAH I remember it was some one was trying to kill the superheroes...but a nother hero was the killer and he was trying to create a dimensional portal to bring an alien to New York, basically Sci-Fi themed terrorism, for creating a new world...or....something

Then some heroes are killed because they don't like that he did it and others are all "Well I guess there's nothing we can do..."

The end

Was it worthy of all kinds of crazy awards?

I can't help but think if I had read it in the 80's it would have been better.

Posted by TheBurningDonut - October 22nd, 2009

Today I learned the meaning of the word "Nerd Rage"!

Well there's one thing the movie is really good at, that's taking a property that's awesome and making a movie based on it and making it TOTAL CRAP!

The Mortal Kombat movie was stand-able
The Tomb Raider movie was just higher than crap
The Street Fighter movie was an abomination
The Double dragon movie made me wanna vomit
And who really wants to get in to the Super Mario movie...


Once again the American movie industry has decided it's going to take one of my all time favorite game properties and take a diarrhea dump all over it to make a buck!

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I mean most Video game (Non anime) movies BOMB in the box office so it really make NO SENSE from either a creative or financial stand point to make this movie!

WHY? Why are they doing this? I mean there not going to make any money off of it and the creators clearly had little or no say so in the plot or design, and like I said it makes no sense from either a creative or financial standpoint so it's like the soul reason there doing this crapload of a movie is just to take one of my favorite games and make a horrid joke out of it!

Wich is like a slap in the face to fans, and an insult of the intelligence to those who aren't fans so I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!!

and it makes me NERD RAGE SO HARD!!!!!!!!!

Now I haven't seen anything about them yet but Ive been hearing horrible rumors anbout several animes being turn into live action (American) movies, so I'm actually scared that this is just a sign of things to come.

It are so sad ;__;

Today I learned the meaning of NERD RAGE!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - October 18th, 2009

One thing is that when I was a kid I never really thought of anything until 50 was old...

Maybe 40, if you were one of those people who didn't take care of them selves.

I did however believe that 30 was the magic age where you truly became a "grown up" that your brain would just go through the magic metamorphosis and stop enjoying things that kids liked.

You would just become more interested in news rather than cartoons, you would desire to listen to softer music, and the deep desire to drive that muscle car would go away to just being happy that your Ford Taurus was still running.

Well I have officially been 30 for two months now and all I can say is that I don't "feel it." I still find my self loving older cartoons and watching Disney cartoons, listening to heavy metal, and lusting for a cool car.

The worst thing I do is that I LOVE when Metal bands cover cartoon themes, I often cruse Youtube searching for keywords like "Disney metal" "Cartoon cover metal" cartoon punk cover" and such.

It seems Tons of people have covered the Teenage Mutant Turtles theme but Little else.

The best thing I've found so far is this!

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If you aren't a Dragonforce fan, or aren't a fan of Power metal in general you won't like it, but if you do and you also like the Lion King... you just MIGHT experience an orgasm!

The Vocals leave a little to be desired but the sheer fact someone would DO THIS is awesome!

I wish so much some times that there would be an actual project to do metal things in America, I mean Japan has Animetal and they have several albums, while in America most people don't like to do more than cover Scooby Doo or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

We DO have an album released in like 1991 called "Saturday Morning cartoons greatest hits" which has SOME pretty good songs on it like

Speed Racer: by a band called Sponge
Gigantor: by Helmet
The Spider man theme by The Ramones (But it LATE Ramones so it really doesn't even sound like the Ramones)
Johnny Quest and Stop That Pigeon: By Reverend Horton Heat...
The BEST song is Sublime covering Hong Kong Fooey, BUT the REST of the songs are borderline horrible

I mean There are covers of the Archies, The Buggaloos, and such that are just BLEEEEEEEACH!!!!!

I would love to hear Dragonforce cover The Thundercats or Slipknot do GI Joe and such, but...

It aint gonna happen any time soon ;__;

Posted by TheBurningDonut - October 18th, 2009

Yah an update of my life for those who give a crap

http://theburningdonut.livejournal.com /49248.html

Live Journal update

Posted by TheBurningDonut - October 10th, 2009

The cast of Twilight


The cast of Helsing!

Just think about it!