Well I got infected by a virus called "Spyware Soft" perhaps one of the most perfect written viruses I have EVER seen!
So I had to completely wipe my hard drive clean and reinstall my operating system, the problem is I had Windows 7 and when I tried to reinstall it I found out I had the wrong product key for some reason.
So I called HP and they gave me the usual runaround and I couldn't get ANY help form them.
Well first they offered to take it in and completely re install the system, BUT it would have to have Vista.
Well I worked HARD to get windows 7 and I wanted to be able to use it. However when I decided I wanted to send it back they changed there mon and were wanting to SELL me recovery disks for Vista!
Well HOURS later and tons of yelling and BAIRLY getting anything helpful they decided to send me Vista recovery discs for free ...
Better than nothing I guess.
The (Embarrassingly ) I FOUND my recovery disks for vista and was all "Screw it I'm just going to use vista again."
Another fortunate thing is I bought a second hard drive during the Christmas Sales and was able to save Photoshop all my pics, PSD files, videos, music, emulators, and what ever else I needed on it.
I just reinstalled Vista and put stuff of the Spare hard dive on to my laptop.
You wanna know something funny?
I actually like Vista better than 7!
I know it sounds crazy but I really haven'y noticed a lot of difference between the two and honestly you have a lot more control of what program dose what in Vista, add to that the browser works better for me and the ability to control what's on my Start up, vista just seems so much easier to use and do things quickly in and to add to that it still has Movie Maker!
Am I crazy?