Yes Ive had this account for a while years ago while I was experimenting with Flash, but try as I might I sucked and my version was a trial so I had no choice but to give up! Then I saw an art community I figgered I may as well give it another try!

Age 45, Male

Don't ask

Don't ask

Albany Oregon

Joined on 6/30/05

Exp Points:
862 / 900
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5.15 votes
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Global Rank:
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TheBurningDonut's News

Posted by TheBurningDonut - June 8th, 2010

Well I got infected by a virus called "Spyware Soft" perhaps one of the most perfect written viruses I have EVER seen!

So I had to completely wipe my hard drive clean and reinstall my operating system, the problem is I had Windows 7 and when I tried to reinstall it I found out I had the wrong product key for some reason.

So I called HP and they gave me the usual runaround and I couldn't get ANY help form them.

Well first they offered to take it in and completely re install the system, BUT it would have to have Vista.

Well I worked HARD to get windows 7 and I wanted to be able to use it. However when I decided I wanted to send it back they changed there mon and were wanting to SELL me recovery disks for Vista!

Well HOURS later and tons of yelling and BAIRLY getting anything helpful they decided to send me Vista recovery discs for free ...

Better than nothing I guess.

The (Embarrassingly ) I FOUND my recovery disks for vista and was all "Screw it I'm just going to use vista again."

Another fortunate thing is I bought a second hard drive during the Christmas Sales and was able to save Photoshop all my pics, PSD files, videos, music, emulators, and what ever else I needed on it.

I just reinstalled Vista and put stuff of the Spare hard dive on to my laptop.

You wanna know something funny?

I actually like Vista better than 7!

I know it sounds crazy but I really haven'y noticed a lot of difference between the two and honestly you have a lot more control of what program dose what in Vista, add to that the browser works better for me and the ability to control what's on my Start up, vista just seems so much easier to use and do things quickly in and to add to that it still has Movie Maker!

Am I crazy?

Vista VS 7

Posted by TheBurningDonut - May 31st, 2010

Does anyone have any suggestions for the best font to use in comics for spoken dialog?

Comic fonts?

Posted by TheBurningDonut - May 24th, 2010

WTF Pixar!

I understand that CGI cartoons are the norm these days, and the pheminist movement has to hit me every way they can I guess.

I like cartoons about dogs and Disney came out with Bolt, it was pretty good the plot was relatively original and it had some pretty good character designs and had some original jokes and was altogether a pretty good movie...

I like cartoons about dogs, but I like cartoons about wolves better and have been looking forward to seeing if someone would try making a CGI cartoons about wolves...

I should also point out I HATE romantic comedies as well not only because I haven't seen an original live action movie out of Hollywood that involves romance and it's even WORSE that since the" 40 year old virgin" almost every movie trailer these days start with the line

"He did not have a way with the ladies"
"He was a loser"
"He was (insert random thing saying the lead male is a complete social failure)"

SO Pixar comes out with a wolf movie and what CRAP comes out?

/* */
It's almost like someone at Pixar was all "What the WORST way we can kick Donut in the balls and make millions?"

Posted by TheBurningDonut - May 20th, 2010

Are there any sites that you would suggest I post art on?

I Currently Post art on
Deviant Art:

http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thebur ningdonut/


I have videos of me making art on YouTube, and am considering starting making video Journal again
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBurning Donut/

I post Journals on Live Journal
http://theburningdonut.livejournal.com /

As well as the usual MySpace and Facebook and Twitter and such
http://www.facebook.com/TheBurningDonu t
I also sell T-Shirts on red Bubble
http://www.redbubble.com/people/TehBur ningDonut

Are there Other sites that you would recommend for me to post stuff on?

Other Sites you would recomend for me!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - May 18th, 2010

Most Kids wanted to be Rock stars, Race Car drivers I wanted to be a Comic Book Artist!

I have wanted to draw comics my entire life (Almost) when I was a kid My room was littered with poorly drawn comic they would have silly names like Mega Force (An anthro based Super Hero team), Hot Fox (Not a girl but a Fox with fire based powers), Rocket raccoon (A raccoon with rocket....well you get the idea) Wolf Worx (A Wolf with a golden Armor) etc etc etc...

When I was a kid making comics was my dream, my Heroes weren't rock stars they were comic artists like Jim Lee, Rob Lefeild, Stan Lee, Walt Disney, Masamune Shiro.

As I have grown up comics have become Harder and Harder to get going and Yah I have been able to sneak in drawing them here and there.

I have proven I can draw comics, but there are many things that make them hard and quite simply add to my depression when I think about it.

The First thing is writing... Yah a comics can't just be drawn it has to be written first and that goes a LOT farther than just making up a plot.

So when I try to draw a comic I TRY and think should I throw something together or do something I have made up that will take a lot of time to develop.

You have to design characters create relationships with characters develop characters make up and design the whole world the characters might interact with create a believable conflict and villains that not only make for cool fights but are believable and all this has to fit in to a nice little package with a beginning middle and end.

The designing stage, you have to design everything about the world the comic takes place in, cars weapons houses even the clothes the characters wear are all YOUR responsibility! This all has to not only be cool but LOOK cool.

To make this stage Harder, you have to know what thing you need Look like, you can't have a good Sci Fi comic if you can't design a spaceship, you can't have a cool western of you can't draw a Horse or a revolver, leather jacket, or desert scene, or a Postapockaliptic world if you can't draw and make up designs for Dune buggies Armors wrecked car and building that have been destroyed.


Then once you have ALL THAT worked out it's time to start drawing, not the last time I tried to draw a comic I was able to get roughly a page done in 6 or more hours.

Consider the last comic pages I did were in black and white I can assume that color would take anywhere from 8 to 10 hours to do.

Throw in Jobs friends people who live with parents, transportation to said job whatever chores must be done.

Now I have learned a lot about the comic industry since I was a kid and I have learned that the HIGHEST paid comic artist I have spoken to earned 20 bucks a page...

And since there are no companies that just GIVE you a whole title you have to start in anthology magazines that MIGH get you 5 pages a month so SUPPOSING you get into a high paying book that MAYBE 100 bucks a month

So I'm sorry I seem so emo about art sometimes but it's hard when the one thing I've wanted to do my entire like is so hard just to get started!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - April 24th, 2010

One thing that has been really annoying thing Cartoon Network has been doing Advertising the living CRAP out of the new shows they have.

And when there's only one or two show that mean a lot of repeat commercials and if you get annoyed by repetition... it's horrible.

ANY way the only really good looking show was this one called Generator Rex!
I just saw the first episode tonight and my fist impressions are not disappointing, it did a good job of setting things up (It WAS the first episode after all) and the animation was descent as American cartoons go.

The "plot" is pretty good even though it's a simple "Here's the bad guys and here's the hero that's made from the same thing and that's why he fights them" type story.

One thing I did like is the personality of the main character is pretty cool so many times these days American cartoons are either trying to make anti heroes, or pure hearted heroes there's rarely anything that focuses on an anti hero who wants to do good but has to deal with his inner self...

And uh stuff...

I liked that they didn't make the main Character a ten year old kid because I'm not a fan of cartoons about kids, and appreciate characters with deeper voices and an animated while still "mature" look.

It was funny it's a bit more Vulgar than you would expect I mean they did say things Like "Damn" and "Crap"

Things I didn't like is the story was told way to fast (I won't hold it against the writers I mean it is a cartoon after all), I also didn't like the way the artist drew weapons one thing that always bugs in cartoons and comics is when weapons, cars, and other mechanical devises are drawn wrong... like when a gun is sliced and it's like a solid peace, and Gen-Rex had TONS of that!

The rest of the "plot" was extremely predictable.

The "Oh look the hero has no memory and wonders about his past" type story is as common as "They killed my parents so now I want revenge" type story.

The organization Rex works for reminds me of a mix of Men in Black, and a little of...
Well every Monster hunting origination I've seen in every "We hunt monsters" type cartoon/ Movie so I am REALLY unimpressed with its story or anything having to do with it.

Ultimately It's a very generic cartoon that has an above average personality and almost shows some potential, I'm going to keep an eye on it to see of anything better comes out of the series, but so far I wouldn't recommend it.

Generator Rex: First Impressions

Posted by TheBurningDonut - April 3rd, 2010

I just finished Ninja Assassin...

It wasn't near as bad as many reviews said it was, mind you it wasn't very GOOD but it was FAR from bad!

My two biggest complaints are,

#1: The "story", one of the reason I hate American movies is because they can't just have a fun cheesy movie, they have to try and disguise it as something else because we want to believe we are too smart to be entertained by a "stupid" movie.
So rather than have a quick sum up of a nice simple plot we end up with tons of flashbacks spaced out over time around a thrown together police plot as well, to take up more time so we have the illusion of a deep plot being delivered!

The thing they I guess they just gave up on trying to explain was why the police wanted to catch the ninja clan it was all WTF as this dude was claiming to be being "watched' by homeland security, and next thing you know he's leading the ...
Uh...I guess "The anti Ninja Swat team?" and there all shooting the crap out of the Ninjas so I was all like WTF yo!

#2: The "Special Effects", now I have no problem with "gore" in a movie but the blood in the movie looks almost humorous because it was SOOOO FAKE I mean they would CGI blood into a fight to the point it would look like Playing Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance or something, and it would be hard to really "get into" any of the fights because there would be so many "Little things" CGI-ed into the scene like wavy effects when swinging weapons or throwing Ninja stars, and there were so many effects done to the movement that even when a good fight would happen it would take away from the overall flow of the scene.
Also since it was an American director trying to appeal to an American audience they tried WAY to hard to make the Ninjas appear "Super natural" it wasn't TO prevalent but at times they would turn to mist which was like a "WTF" to me every time I saw it but the worst part was every time there would be a part where someone was sneaking around they would do this annoying thing where you could hear whispering going on which is usually an effect saved for ghosts and other supernatural things.

I was willing to let the Cheesy blood effects go because I mean how many old Kung-Fu / ninja movies had just HORRIBLE looking blood in them, but there was SO MUCH of it!

It gave a feeling like the director and writer wanted to a better movie, but like they were forced by their producers to make what they did

I DID like the fights when they got going though there was this one fight scene that was in the middle of a street with lots of traffic, and they were all getting hit by cars as they were fighting that was pretty baddass (I know it was mostly CGI but still looked pretty good) and the fact the last fight ended in a burning house it looked like a scene from Samurai Resurrection (A nice Sonny Chiba reference) was pretty cool.
Over all if you are willing to over look some story that make little since the movie's pretty good.

I would recommend RENTING it rather than buying it, because it's worth seeing once.

Ninja Assassin review

Posted by TheBurningDonut - April 1st, 2010

Every one knows Kevin Bacon's most awsome role was voicing Balto right?

Mmmmm Bacon

Posted by TheBurningDonut - March 12th, 2010

The First one is just a song from Kill Bill that I like for some reason!
"Goodnight Moon"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRqUONe _aAI

It's so sad because they say white guys can't rap! (Also contains NES references!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6J9OKZ lobQ

If you like these dudes look up "Duane and Brando"

It's an old song I know but I like it!
"My balls your chin"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x748iP JgOc

Just for laughs a song from Monty Python
"the Lumberjack song"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zey856 7bcg

If anyone remembers Kamen Rider: Kiva I just loved the music from it!
"Mysterious Play"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIotf-g Pi2M

I Normally try and avoid "geeky love songs" but this one was just to cool.
"The girl at the Videogame store"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR3ndy0 e--k

This on one of my favorites from Voltare
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9WkMtL zmsw

and last but no where near least, there's nothing better than a punk song that references the cheesiest Japanese monster movies ever to exist
Michal graves "Godzilla"

Just some of the songs Ive been listening to is all I just posted this just because.

however if anyone has suggestions I'd be open to that.

Posted by TheBurningDonut - March 8th, 2010




It's just NOT funny!


Why do people watch it?

That's just what I think there is NO redeeming quality to that show it's just...



The Tim and Eric show BAD JOB!