Yes Ive had this account for a while years ago while I was experimenting with Flash, but try as I might I sucked and my version was a trial so I had no choice but to give up! Then I saw an art community I figgered I may as well give it another try!

Age 45, Male

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Albany Oregon

Joined on 6/30/05

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TheBurningDonut's News

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 19th, 2010

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Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 17th, 2010

One thing I'm trying to do in my free time is make Art Cards, I am thinking about trying to sell these for like 5 bucks each or something.

Now bear in mind traditional media is not my forte and I'm going to work on getting better with them.

The size is traditional trading card size

Trying to make Art Cards

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 15th, 2010

I hate this country, I hate the government SO MUCH right now, with the way they are trying to have all white people portrayed as racist rapists, I hate that they're more conserved about NOT closing borders in Arizona then making it possible to get jobs,

I hate how businesses are getting dumber and dumber about how they chose workers, so even OF YOU DO find some one hiring, they such a thin view as who they want working for them of you don't watch that idea PERFECTLY you don't get the job!

I hate this stupid Stops Inc job I have technically been an employee for a WEEK now and NOT ONE SINGLE CALL!

It's BAD right now!

I was talking with this dude at Labor Ready and he was telling about this one job he applied for, basically it was a NIGHT STALKER for a local grocery store!

It paid BARLEY over minimum wage
It was ONLY 20 hours a week

And by the time he filled out the application there was ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY apps filled out for the job!

For an un advertised crappy job at a non-chain grocery store that's ridiculous! That's A JOKE!

It feels like I'm stuck in quicksand and there's nothing I can do to get out of it, but it SURE makes feel better to know that I'll have to start paying for healthcare soon!

Damn that was emo!

ANYWAY I remember this story on the local news a while ago about a dude who lost his job and bought a Hotdog machine and started making money that way, so I have been thinking really hard about working for myself but it's hard to find what I can sell that people would want to buy!

I dunno Imma still sittin' here at labor ready so I may write more soon!

Donut out!

Yah life is teh suxxorz!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 11th, 2010

Well I'm not totally sold on the anime Kekkaishi.

I will say one thing I find interesting though, I remember years ago watching the Ghostbusters cartoon, I always wondered why the "ghosts" never really looked very human.

I mean a ghost is just a human spirit that has serrated from the body right? So why do they always look so ghoulish and cartoony?

It's interesting watching Kekkaishi because they have a very simple explanation that makes total sense, as the spirit is away from the body it becomes seseptable to negative feeling and eventual transform and become evil, and as they give in to evil feeling they transform and there appearance.

The other think that's funny is the porpoise that the main characters perform are quite similar if you think about it,

Chase ghosts,

Catch ghosts,

And either release them or trap them.

Not only that but the "ghosts" in the two shows are really similar in appearance, it's almost as (In my opinion) as if the two shows could exist in the same cannon.

It's just one's an Asian method of dealing with ghosts, and the other is an American method,

Dosen't it make perfect since?

In Japan they have families working up special techniques and passing it down through generations, while in America a bunch of dudes make machines and slap it all in the back of an old car and charge money for it?

It's just a weird thought is all.

Oh if any has the Full MP3 of the Kekkaishi theme song I would like it!.

Kekkaishi and Ghostbusters CONECTED?

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 9th, 2010

Well I MAY have a job!

The reason I say MAY is because It's a company that provides transportation for people on workman's comp.

It SEEMS really cool because you get paid like a buck a mile (while the patent is in the car), and you get pay per hour for "Wait time"

Basically it's I give people rides to the hospital for there claims lets say I get paid to take a dude to get X-rays in Eugene,

I get paid for the miles to the Hospital and while he's in getting the X-Rays done I get paid per hour to wait for him.

So it's pretty descent money I think.

The reason I'm not sure about it is because I have to wait for them to call with a ride before I can even start working for them.

ANY WAY I went to some second hand stores to see if I could get some clothes to better fit the business "Business Casual" dress code and I always like to check out the toy section for cool cars and guns, when something almost scary happened.

Every time I'm in a toy section I'm always a little worried that some parent will see me and think "why is there a grown man in the toy section... HE MUST BE A PEDOPHILE!!!"

SO there I was in the toy section with a cool toy Corvette Stingray in my hand and yah there's a couple of little girls trying to run around my feet but they were at least polite about it and I'm trying to keep my distance, when this old dude came in to the Toy section.

Now he had "the look" of being a pedophile of ever I saw it, but I didn't do anything because I was trying not to be judgmental.

Then he pulls out his cell phone and as these little girls were running around I heard the "Shutter sound" sound effect several times.

I was tempted to run up to the counter and tell them what I saw but I was afraid of like the dude being there grandpa or something, but they ran off with another lady who didn't act like she new the guy.

I felt like I should have done SOMETHING because it was more and more apparent he didn't know the kids, but I know no one wants to hear something from the weird dude in the Metallica T-Shirt about people being "weird"

Should I have done something or am I just crazy?

ANYWAY it's also getting HOT here! Well it's like 90 degrees sometimes and I know that's not like REALLY hot but without time to acclimatize to it, it's hard to deal with!

So anyway That's what's up so far I have like one commission left and it's taking WAY to long to finish.

A possible jobs and a possible pedophile!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 6th, 2010

F off!

"Sugar and spice and everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of

Snips and snails, and puppy dog tails,
That's what little boys are made of!"

Sound familiar?

I hear a lot EVERY DAY how portrayals of the female body has been effecting young girls "Inner image" bull crap for YEARS!

People seem to think that feminism is a new thing and it's been going on for decades!

I mean you can see in movies since like the 50's that it's important for women to be strong and not act of the stereotype type of how women are portrayed for like EVER!

I perfect example is the He-Man cartoon in the 80's.

Hanna Barberra was sued may times for the fact the female characters in the cartoon had large breasts, and it was effecting young female watchers into thinking that if they didn't have large breasts it would make them grow up and have a complex.

For years women have been told to ignore the current portrayal of the female body and be strong in who they are but what people seem to forget is that as all these people fought to protect your daughters "inner image" you completely ignored your sons!

Yah while you sued over and did every thing to make your precious daughter would never have to adhere to any standard you ignored the fact your son was submitted to the very same thing!

Yah your daughter was told those cartoons are evil for teaching the women should have to be sexy you ignored all the MEN in the cartoon!

Lets thing about who MALES think of as heroes and how they effects the MALE "Inner image"!

What young man didn't have either sports stars or Super Heroes posters on there walls!

Men were being taught that they HAVE to be strong, smart and physically attractive and never have a single emotional problem!

Yah we males were taught from role models like Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, He-Man, so we were taught that we had to be good at sports and be the "Alpha male" or...

Well there really was no or!

So in short males have BEEN EXPERIENCING what people have been protecting the females from!

It's only made worse these days as most commercials in TV portray the male as the stupid one, and most mainstream TV is FULL of "Women are strong" Women should have more power" "women should have to listen to men" I mean it goes so far that I was forced to watch TV with my parents and there was this show where the women would rather COMMIT SUICIDE than have sex with the male character!

So if the fact I draw females with large breasts and thin waists offends you FUCK OFF I don't give a crap about political correct-ness.

To those offended by how I draw the female form

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 5th, 2010

Well it's been an interesting weekend,

My brother left his kids with my parents for a while and while his kids are pretty cool they do have a tendency test my patients for children,

His kids are cool but they just remind me why I don't want kids.

Add to that I was supposed to have a job holding a sign for this Dollar Store going out of business over the holiday weekend.

On the first day I went to work and was told the only real rule was the sign was to "moving at all time" So I acted like a fool embarrassing my self in 90 degree weather swinging this huge sign all f---king day just trying to actually do a good job.

As I was working acting like a frikken idiot the Boss came out and said she got approval to change a sticker on the sigh, and when she fixed the sign I told her the top was hanging down.

She told me not to worry about it and that as a sign holder I would need special approval to make any change to the sign.

SO the next day I show up and go another day making a fool of my self all trying to go the extra mile to prove I can do a good job no matter how crappy it is...

When I was done I went to collect my work ticket there was a different manager in charge and she started to make a big deal about the loose part of the sigh, remember that same loose part I was told BOTH not to worry about, and that I would need special approval to fix the day before

So I was going to say

"Well I was told I'm just the sign holder and I don't have the authority to change anything about the signs appearance but if you say it's OK I'll have no problem fixing it"

And all I got out was

"I was told I'm just the sign holder..."

This lady interrupts with "Oh well if you don't care we'll just give the job to someone else!"

All I could even thing was "wait what?

"Oh yah you clearly don't care about the job and there's lots of people who could use the work I've already faxed Labor ready and told them to send some one else!"

I've worked TWO DAYS in 90 plus heat making a fool of myself making sure you get all the work you could need out of me

I told her about what I was told yesterday and that I was trying to do a good job and all she said was "I've only been here today!"

I'm getting really tired of trying to do as good of a job as possible and trying to earn brownie points only to have my extra work not account to ANYTHING.

And not JUST to not matter but to be told I just don't care so what IS the point of caring if in trying HARDER you are called lazy?

It's not JUST me this lady is screwing either it's the lady who works at Labor Ready who now has to come into work on her day off, and the dude who now has to come in and work on what was supposed to me a Holyday ALL BECAUSE THIS LAY HAD TO BE A BITCH!

If some one had come and said "Hey can you fix the sign!" guess what I'd have had NO PROBLEM WITH THAT!!!!!!

It's just so sad because I actually had people stopping and saying they spent there last 5 bucks because of me, I even had an older lady stop and ask what I was listening to, and I must have said something right because she came out of the store with a basket full of crap.

BUT remember please don't hire me because I just clearly don't give a crap about any job I have!

Going the extra mile, to get slapped in the face!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - July 1st, 2010

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Posted by TheBurningDonut - June 21st, 2010

Well it was for years that the only network that was even TRYING to have any descent cartoons on Saturday morning was Fox!

Then they quite and sold there 4-Kids stuff to the C-W, which is quite a statement that it's still going because lets face it anything that goes to the C-W (Formally UPN) usually goes to die and be forgotten about.

I will say that the C-W has been doing a little bit of a better job on showing things in the proper order, I mean when they were showing Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight they pretty much handled it perfectly...

Until the contract was lost ;__; (A sad day for Tokusatsu Fans FINALLY getting to see an English Kamen Rider series that didn't suck donkey ass!)

And the handling of Dinosaur King is at least making a less than great cartoon somewhat easier to watch.

But just recently Cartoon network made a smart choice, rather than doing the usual Johnny Test and Chowder marathon on Saturday Mornings they figgered they would throw there hat into the Saturday Morning ring!

While shows Like Hero 108, and showing reruns of Ben 10, Generator Rex, and Star Wars the Clone wars are slightly better than nothing.

Shows like Hotwheels: Battle force 5, The Marvel Superhero Squad ,actually NEW episodes of Yugioh 5ds, and Bakugan make for what is these days a descent lineup!

I also Gotta say I really like Hotwheels: Battle force 5, I mean I've liked the Hotwheels cartoons since they started the whole Highway 35 storyline, and the fact there's actually a continuity that works and is pretty smooth (Vurt Wheeler starting out as a Dick wad of a 16 year old kid to becoming the leader of Battle Force 5 is pretty impressive these days).

I find Hero 108 interesting because I've literally heard nothing about it before , and it has such an interesting style (Yah I don't like the lack of detail and some times the character designs are just WEIRD!) it's like a weird Dark Horse that just came from nowhere.

Basically what I'm saying is that it's nice to see Cartoon Network making some actually SMART decisions!

Now if only they would stop with the live action shows, especially on Adult Swim!

Cartoon Network: Saturday Mornings!

Posted by TheBurningDonut - June 20th, 2010

Whaddup ya'll?

Well Last weekend I lost my wallet so I literally spend the whole weekend dealing with getting cards cancelled and getting yelled at for not caring enough about finding my wallet, and tons and tons of looking any and every place possible.

It turns out it ended up in Toledo Oregon and a dude found it and it ended up in Wal Port Oregon.

So then my CRAZY work week started!

I started out by working in Toledo Oregon (As a flagger) again (Almost an hour drive, and a 115 mile round trip) and in addition to spending 8 hour days and almost 4 hours of driving days and in addition to all that TRYING to get my wallet back.

By Wednesday I had my wallet back and after 4 days of driving and working and NOTHING more I was told that they had to many workers and they didn't want the temp back.

My Thought was "Cool I'll use the rest of the week to catch up on getting commissions done" BUT then I get a call from Labor ready saying "hey more work"!

So it's all "Ok fuck commissions time to get back to work ... AGAIN ...

See when I work in Toledo I get a little of a "transportation pay" since it's over 50 miles away (and over 100 miles round trip) but when I work in Eugene it's JUST under (A 94 mile round trip) so working in Toledo it a pretty good thing because it makes me almost get a prophet when I work in Toledo inpsite of a MUCH longer drive.

The cool thing was that I was working in Lebanon with is like a whole ten minuet drive so I was all "Hellz yah I get the benefits of working closer like in Eugene and the not having to pay extra on Gas like in Toledo!"

Well the job only lasted a day because once again they didn't want the "temp" to get work full time employees should be getting.

The SAD thing is that EVERY boss I have worked for had said I have been doing an awesome job! I mean SO GOOD of a job they have been TRYING to get me hired on full time and even recommending me as a Flagg setter (Basically a manager) I mean when I work in Toledo the Lady there has me being the second in command all the time!

Basically I'M in charge under the boss I AM the one who controls traffic, and not only that but even working as a temp I have out lasted almost EVERY employee I have worked with, even at the 3 months I've worked there aside from the bosses I have out lasted every one who works there!

I also have helped TRAIN most people the company hired rather than me only to see them quit like a month later, so it's just MORE proof that when it comes to who they hire most companies are MORONS!

Yes MORONS! They would much rather hire some one who has two years experience from like ten years ago rather than some one who wants to learn about the industry and make it a career.

Add to that one of the people I worked with in Lebanon had the exact same set of circumstances as me worked with the flagging company through Labor Ready for THREE DAYS and was hired on full time, but when it comes to me there's nothing but excuses and people are all "Well we'd have to pay a "Buyout" witch is a lot of money and we just don't feel like it."

Basically "Thanks for all the hard work we just don't feel like getting off our butts to do anything!"

I don't know I am just SO TIRED and would just love to be hired SOMEWHERE full time.

That's all about that...
Donut Out!

Life Update